WhatsApp Business : The Future of Enhanced Communication is Here!


What is RCS Business Messaging?

RCS Business Messaging is the evolution of mobile messaging, increasing and improving the ways in which people and businesses communicate. It provides brands with the opportunity to increase their engagement with customers by making use of business messaging using chatbots and artificial intelligence (AI).

User adoption is simple and straightforward. There is no longer a need to download multiple apps; instead, users gain direct access to a range of brands and services from within the messaging app itself, allowing them to engage with virtual assistants to book flights, buy clothes, make restaurant reservations and more.

SMS: The Foundation of RCS

SMS has become an essential part of our lives. As of 2007, users were sending more text messages than phone calls, and now, with an SMS function available in all mobile devices, usage among all age groups has skyrocketed. Businesses, too, increasingly rely on SMS to support customers, ask for feedback, and reward loyalty with special offers. All told, there are over 15 million texts sent every minute. That’s 22 billion SMS messages a day!

Because texting is so simple, and the messages are short by design, consumers love using SMS to engage with businesses. They don't have to sit on hold, take time out of their day to visit a business in person, or wait long for an email to be responded to. They can fire off a quick message in between everything else they're doing, and be assured to get a succinct reply in no time. Businesses also love the channel; in addition to the consumer preference for texting, there’s also its ubiquity, global reach, immediacy, and unrivalled open rates. Sure, email open rates are great at 20-30%. But according to a Dynmark study, email can’t compete with the 98% open rate that SMS enjoys! In fact, 90% of texts are read within 3 seconds, and nearly a third (29%) are responded to!


Benefits of RCS Business Messaging

Verified business accounts

Business senders are verified, giving customers peace of mind.

Reshape and Revitalise messaging services

RCS Business Messaging is an opportunity for operators to reshape and revitalise their messaging services and play a central role in the future of IP-based messaging.

Send rich media messages

Include images,video, GIFs, PDFs, and more in your RCS messages.

Grow Revenue

RCS Business Messaging provides the opportunity for operators to grow revenue by enhancing their business to offer new capabilities and shares in the revenue generated by new business paradigms such as AI, chatbots and in-chat search.

Delivery and read receipts

Use delivery and read receipts to measure campaign success and deliver automated contextual actions.